
Travel and portrait photography

Beautiful things

It has been too long since I last blogged. Too long. But the good news is that long streak is coming to an end VERY soon! Ok, technically right now. But I've got so much in store that I can hardly contain my excitement. Film, people, FILM is on the horizon! To jump start that wonderful thing, I want to prep you all with the reason why I am LOVING film oh so much. And I haven't even gotten my pictures back yet! WHAT? Crazy, I know.

1. Film is easier than digital.

I know, shocker. But I don't have to worry about white balance, exposure (ok, just a little), bracketing weirdness, toggling focal points, focus-compose rhythm, etc. With film, I take the meter reading (very simple, and as long as you know what you're doing, this reading will always be SPOT on) plug it into my camera and SHOOT AWAY! Which leads me to #2.

2. More focus on my subject.

Less focus on my LCD. This means 100% of my attention is in the details of the shot - the subject (client), lighting, hair, hands, expression, background, foreground, etc. Which leads me to #3.

3. Better photography!

Granted, I haven't gotten my photos back yet. But I can just feel that I'm going to become a better photographer when I'm concentrating way more on the ART and way less on the technical mumbo-jumbo.

OK, OK. I know it sounds too good to be true. There are a few downsides to film. The obvious is that it's more expensive. Yes. True. It takes more time to get developed. Yes. Also true. BUT I'm hoping to make up that time by sending it to good labs who essentially do all my post-processing for me = less time in front of the computer. YAY! (one more for film!) AND, last downside is that each different film (Kodak, Fuji, B&W, Color) all require different metering techniques. There's the learning curve. But once you've got it, you're good to go!

Moral of the story, film wins. :)

In anticipation for the day I get my developed rolls back, here's a cute photo I took of my baby a while ago. In fact, I was just browsing my photos and stumbled upon it. What a beauty...