
Travel and portrait photography

Perfectly Imperfect

Last week I went to WPPI which is this HUGE conference for professional wedding and portrait photographers. I kind of felt like I was cheating being there seeing as I haven't taken an official client in a few months. Oh well! I had a blast, learned a TON and I can't wait to blog about it, BUT it's going to have to wait. Right now I wanted to show this photo I took of my baby girl (of course, who else...). First of all, I had this image in my mind of what I wanted and let's just say it didn't quite come out that way. (Don't even get me started on my beefs about in-camera digital metering) BUT, I kind of like the imperfect resulting image. Check it out:

This image has about a million things technically wrong with it. But, in my opinion, it works. Here's to having fun behind the camera!

(p.s. I just bought my first real-live film camera! I can't wait to get busy! Look forward to those pictures in the near future...)