When I started this blog I intended it to only showcase my pictures. A great moving website, where the featured shoots changed every week. I felt like this blog would stay my photography platform and photography is all that would ever be here. But then I realized something. I realized I had a voice. It’s here, inside me. I remembered I love to write, and I realized I had things worth saying, things that could only enhance my photos.
So here I am. Finally speaking out from my quiet corner.
There are no photos in this post. But today, that’s OK. Today I want only words.
Life for me right now is insane. And by insane I mean CA-RA-ZY. My day-to-day is still pretty much the same routine for me – a mom with two kids – but in the back of my mind I realize I have no idea what tomorrow may bring. My husband is in the process of changing jobs, prepping for that big change and trying his best to make sure it goes the way we’ve envisioned it. But in the meantime, there are about a million things out of our control. Where will we go? Where will we live when we get there? What if it doesn’t work out? How will we pay our bills? And about a million other unanswered questions.
Brought up in the east, I have an immense case of the uptight-east-coast syndrome. It’s so hard for me to just release and let things happen. No. I have to know where I’m going and what we’re doing. I walk with a purpose. Always. I’m going to get mail from the mailbox? I am GOING to get MAIL from the MAILBOX and I mean it. Ha! But, sadly, it’s true.
Fortunately, the nice thing about life and time is that it never stops. It keeps going whether you’re ready for it or not. In my case, I’m ready. I’m ready for things to start happening and plans to unfold. I have a feeling we’ll end up living day by day (so if you see me on the street, toss me a few coins, please). One day will slowly tell the story of the next and so it will be.
So let this be a lesson to me. It’s time to let go. Let go of the wheres and hows and whens and just enjoy the nows. Life will happen, so let it happen! It’s time to release the tension and finally feel the rush of air on my face.
Here we go...!