Hocus Focus
Alright folks. We're going to take a quick break from my kids' photos (but don't worry, there's always more where that came from) to check out some of my SoCal friends. These two were amazingly cooperative and a blast to work with. Their obvious love for each other was awesome! Totally makes my job easier!
On a side note, I'll share something I'm working on as a photographer. Since there are so many things I see in my photography that need work, I try to focus on improving at least one weakness per photo shoot. During the shoot I try to butcher that weakness until it ceases to exist. Ok, that was a little graphic. Basically I try to be better. That sounds much less bloody.
Since switching to film (vs. digital) and changing cameras, lenses and everything I know as a photographer, I've also been focusing manually (insert a blood-chilling digital photographer's scream here). Ok, again, maybe that was too much. Manual focus is seriously an art to perfect and one that I'm still working on. I feel better knowing people like Jose Villa still have lots of out of focus mistakes (read about them HERE). When it comes to movement, I've been scared to breathe for fear of messing up my focus. Two things have helped me overcome the fear. 1. Practice. Practice. Practice. 2. Not caring. Number two has definitely been the easiest. :) I'm way less concerned if my picture is in focus or out of focus now than I ever was before. I'll even purposely make a photo out of focus for the pure art of it. That brings me a huge amount of joy because anyone who uses auto focus knows you cannot take a photo like that. Your camera freaks out on you if you even try. Another reason to love all things manual. As for the number one, practice is essential when it comes to focusing on a moving target. My kids are my biggest helpers in this regard, but I wanted to try and incorporate movement into an "official" shoot. Hence the pictures that follow (or at least some of them. I'm betting you'll be able to guess which ones.)
Enough about that. Let's see some pictures!