Considering the amount of face time my kids get in front of the camera, they are actually pretty good sports about it. My son, in particular, seems to actually enjoy the camera (usually). The trick now is to get him looking normal and not making a funny face or acting crazy (although, let's be honest, that's probably more normal than the other photos I get...). My pip-squeak daughter has also emerged into the era of making faces for the camera. Sometimes it's a BIG cheesy grin (small evidence thereof in my previous post) or one of her many other diverse expressions. My favorite has to be her frowny face. She makes me laugh EVERY time she does this face. Mostly because she's so beautiful but SUCH a stinker!! She is definitely a little fireball with a mind of her own. I love it. And that frowny face is, to me, the epitome of her little rebellion.